DREAMERS want an Opportunity

On April 6th, 2018, popular YouTube group BuzzFeed uploaded a video interview with Bambadjan Bamba, an actor who had a role in the currently extremely popular movie Black Panther. In the interview, Bamba reveals that he is a DREAMER, and after learning of Trump's decision to rescind DACA, he decided to use his status and... Continue Reading →

Dreamers voluntarily returning to Mexico as DACA drags on

On April 17th, 2018, NPR published an interview between one of their interviewers, Emily Green, and a Dreamer who decided to return to his native country. Children brought to the United States who stay through the security of DACA are voluntarily returning home to be with their parents and families. A Dreamer, Noe Martinez, came... Continue Reading →

TheDream.Us – Financial Help for DREAMers

TheDream.Us provides scholarship funding for DREAMers to help them pay for their education. Amanda Bennett, Don Graham, Carlos Gutierrez, and Henry R. Muñoz III came together and co-founded the program in an effort to help these students. The program has more than 75 partner colleges throughout the country that are willing to support scholars with their education.... Continue Reading →

Middle School March

One of the most influential and inspiring movements in our society recently has been created from students and their urge to not just talk about change, but to follow through with it. Four undergraduate University of Colorado Students were accompanied with seven seventh grade students from Lafayette Middle School in order to demonstrate their united... Continue Reading →

Fourth and Long

As an avid sports fan, I am continually intrigued when prominent events in our society are compared with different sports references. This has occurred recently in "What the Supreme Court’s punt on DACA means" by Jennifer Rubin. In her article, Rubin compares how the Supreme Court has sat out the controversy of Trump attempting to... Continue Reading →

Garden State of Mind

Even though I am currently 225 miles away, I still keep up with all of the latest news that occurs in New Jersey. Being born and raised in the Garden State, I like to stay in the loop through numerous media outlets. New Jersey has recently joined sixteen other states and the District of Columbia... Continue Reading →

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