Angel Moms

DACA has cemented itself as the centerpiece for most of our political news at the conclusion of this Easter Sunday. President Trump has headlined a variety of media outlets by demanding that “DACA is dead,” and that all talks for a deal have been tabled. FOX news recently hosted “Angel Moms,” people who have had their children killed due to an illegal immigrant. President Trump has brought this phrase to life, as well as given it purpose. This particular angel mom ranted how the “left and the media have given illegal aliens a voice in our country… that they have no place being in.” She goes on to discuss how the defense attorney for illegal immigrants fight to lower the punishment of their crimes from a felony to a misdemeanor in order to keep their client in the country. This was interesting for me, having sat through a court room case of this particular legal battle. There is much more intriguing information throughout this interview, and you can watch it by clicking here!


-Brendan Maranz

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